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IoT-OAS: An OAuth-Based Authorization Service Architecture for Secure Services in IoT Scenarios

standardized way from third-party applications accessing online services, based on the representational state transfer (REST) web architecture. OAuth has been designed to provide an authorization layer, typically on top of a secure transport layer such as HTTPS. The Internet of Things (IoTs) refers to the interconnection of billions of resource-constrained devices, denoted as smart objects, […]

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Microfluidically Tunable Microstrip Filters

A new approach for the development of tunable and reconfigurable microstrip (MS) devices is proposed. The basic idea consists of using a suspended substrate with an integrated network of plastic tubes, which can be selectively filled in with a high-permittivity dielectric fluid, e.g., water. The local change of the substrate effective permittivity achieved in such a way […]

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Constrained Multilegged Robot System Modeling and Fuzzy Control With Uncertain Kinematics and Dynamics Incorporating Foot Force Optimization

This paper studies the optimal distribution of feet forces and control of multilegged robots with uncertainties in both kinematics and dynamics. First, a constrained dynamics for multilegged robots and the constrained environment model are established by considering both kinematic and dynamic uncertainties. Under an external wrench for multilegged robots, the foot forces and moments of […]

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Design approach of visual image detection in rescue robot system of urban search using Bayesian’s logical algorithm

In this paper, we present a rescue robot having a novel mapping management system with robustly generated image segmentation and visualization using wireless camera and sensors. This paper propose of the vision subsystem was to image the surrounding environment and to communicate the scene to the remote pilot; the vision subsystem consisted of all onboard […]

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Towards a Reference Architecture for Large-Scale Smart Grids System of Systems

Large-Scale Smart Grids are advanced power networks that introduce intelligent management, control, and operation systems to service electricity to millions of customers and to combine traditional and renewal energies. Large-Scale Smart Grids are presented as an exemplar of System of System (SoS), since they are composed of large heterogeneous and independent systems that leverage emergent behavior from […]

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Optimal dosimeter deployment into a smart city IoT platform for wideband EMF exposure assessment

LEXNET project, funded by the European Commission, is introducing new concepts for the assessment of the population EMF exposure. It also aims at evaluating the capability of future technologies to reduce this EMF exposure. The platform presented in this paper is an original tool for a continuous measurement of the multi-band downlink Electric Field strength […]

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Interdatacenter Job Routing and Scheduling With Variable Costs and Deadlines

To reduce their operational costs, datacenter (DC) operators can schedule large jobs at DCs in different geographical locations with time- and location-varying electricity and bandwidth prices. We introduce a framework and algorithms to do so that minimize electricity and bandwidth cost subject to job indivisibility, deadlines, priorities, and DC resource constraints. In doing so, we […]

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Wi-Fi Hotspot at Signalized Intersection: Cost-Effectiveness for Vehicular Internet Access

In this paper, we investigate the cost-effectiveness of Wi-Fi solution for vehicular Internet access. We define the cost-effectiveness as the cost saving by deploying and operating a low-cost Wi-Fi infrastructure instead of a costly benchmark cellular network. To characterize the service quality of Wi-Fi deployment, we also define the normalized service delay which is the service […]

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Unravelling the Impact of Temporal and Geographical Locality in Content Caching Systems

To assess the performance of caching systems, the definition of a proper process describing the content requests generated by users is required. Starting from the analysis of traces of YouTube video requests collected inside operational networks, we identify the characteristics of real traffic that need to be represented and those that instead can be safely neglected. […]

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PrInCE Lab experimental microgrid Planning and operation issues

This paper aims at describing the experimental Microgrid (μG) built at the Politecnico di Bari within a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. In particular, the μG will provide a test-bed for research, development and testing devices and components for smart-grid applications. Moreover, it will give the possibility to test […]

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