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Tag Archive: IEEE Ns2 Projects

Methodology to evaluate user experience in non-fully loaded wireless communication systems

Evaluating user experience in wireless communication systems is, especially for operators, an important issue and ongoing research topic. In contrast to most of the literature, where the main focus is on network capacity evaluations using full-buffer traffic assumptions, we focus on more realistic traffic models to evaluate impacts of different network deployment strategies. We define three different service classes […]

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An integrated method for implementing online fault detection in NoC-based MPSoCs

The continuing development of the silicon technology leads to systems with hundreds of processors interconnected by a network on chip (NoC-based MPSoCs). On one hand, the nanotechnology enables to develop such complex systems, but, on the other hand, the vulnerability to faults increases. The literature presents partial fault-tolerant approaches, targeting specific parts of the system, as high-level […]

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Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control Using Gaussian Processes

Most current model reference adaptive control (MRAC) methods rely on parametric adaptive elements, in which the number of parameters of the adaptive element are fixed a priori, often through expert judgment. An example of such an adaptive element is radial basis function networks (RBFNs), with RBF centers preallocated based on the expected operating domain. If the system […]

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Neuro-fuzzy state space controller for drive with elastic joint

This paper presents adaptive control structure applied for electrical drive with elastic coupling between motor and load machine. The main speed controller is based on neuro-fuzzy model. Proposed control structure works using all state variables of the two-mass system. Feedbacks coefficients have been calculated analytically. Information about state variables is given by the Luenberger observer. […]

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Promises of Conic Relaxation for Contingency-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem

This paper is concerned with the security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) problem, where each contingency corresponds to the outage of an arbitrary number of lines and generators. The problem is studied by means of a convex relaxation, named semidefinite program (SDP). The existence of a rank-1 SDP solution guarantees the recovery of a global solution […]

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Experimental analysis and simulative validation of dynamic spectrum access for coexistence of 4G and future 5G systems

5G mobile networks will very likely include features that allow for a dynamic spectrum access (DSA) in order to exploit spectrum holes of a primary system. The efficient utilization of spectrum holes with minimum impairment of the primary system requires a waveform with a very low adjacent channel leakage ratio as well as robustness to time and […]

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MatEx: Efficient transient and peak temperature computation for compact thermal models

In many core systems, run-time scheduling decisions, such as task migration, core activations/deactivations, voltage/frequency scaling, etc., are typically used to optimize the resource usages. Such run-time decisions change the power consumption, which can in turn result in transient temperatures much higher than any steady-state scenarios. Therefore, to be thermally safe, it is important to evaluate […]

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Accurate Connection Strength Estimation Based on Variational Bayes for Detecting Synaptic Plasticity

Connection strength estimation is widely used in detecting the topology of neuronal networks and assessing their synaptic plasticity. A recently proposed model-based method using the leaky integrate-and-fire model neuron estimates membrane potential from spike trains by calculating the maximum a posteriori (MAP) path. We further enhance the MAP path method using variational Bayes and dynamic causal modeling. […]

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An Edge-Set Representation Based on a Spanning Tree for Searching Cut Space

The encoding or representation scheme in evolutionary algorithms is very important because it can greatly affect their performance. Most previous evolutionary algorithms for solving graph problems have traditionally used a vertex-based encoding in which each gene corresponds to a vertex. In this paper, addressing the well-known maximum cut problem, we introduce an edge-set encoding based […]

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HFirst: A Temporal Approach to Object Recognition

This paper introduces a spiking hierarchical model for object recognition which utilizes the precise timing information inherently present in the output of biologically inspired asynchronous Address Event Representation (AER) vision sensors. The asynchronous nature of these systems frees computation and communication from the rigid predetermined timing enforced by system clocks in conventional systems. Freedom from […]

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