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6th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM 2015)

WETSoM is a gathering of researchers and practitioners to discuss the progress on software metrics knowledge. Motivations for this workshop include the low impact that software metrics have on current software development and the increased interest in research. The goals of this workshop include critically examining the evidence for the effectiveness of existing metrics and […]

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On the acceptable perturbation level of CATV distribution amplifiers for mobile DVB-T reception

Transition to TV digital distribution finished in most countries. In cable networks, analog transmission will continue to work for their users. Studies evaluating the mutual interference between terrestrial (DVB-T and analog TV) and cable standards are rare, probably because it is considered that the two transmission media (the air and cable) are sufficiently distinct to avoid […]

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Hybrid EDF Packet Scheduling for Real-Time Distributed Systems

When multiple computational resource elements collaborate to handle events in a cyber-physical system, scheduling algorithms on these resource elements and the communication delay between them contribute to the overall system utilization and schedulability. Employing earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling in real-time cyber-physical systems has many challenges. First, the network layer of a resource has to interrupt and […]

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A Hybrid Interference Control Scheme for Femto Cells Using Overhearing and Limited SON Co-Ordination

This paper presents a coordinated scheduling/ interference control solution with Overhearing and limited SON control. The solution is suited to many of the open access Femto cell networks being deployed, where the provision of very high bandwidth (X2 type) inter-connecting links is not feasible. The proof of concept is provided through simulations with real radio channel data. […]

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A Distributed Resource Reservation Scheme for Handover Failure Reduction

In this letter, we propose a distributed resource reservation strategy for handover failure (HOF) reduction. The network status information that is locally available at each cell is utilized to reserve handover protection (HOP) resources in a dynamic and distributed manner. Each cell transmits downlink traffic using only the reserved HOP resources. Severe interferences to the neighboring cells […]

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Discriminative spectral learning of hidden markov models for human activity recognition

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are one of the most important techniques to model and classify sequential data. Maximum Likelihood (ML) and (parametric and non-parametric) Bayesian estimation of the HMM parameters suffers from local maxima and in massive datasets they can be specially time consuming. In this paper, we extend the spectral learning of HMMs, a […]

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A Hop-by-hop Routing Mechanism for Green Internet

In this paper we study energy conservation in the Internet. We observe that different traffic volumes on a link can result in different energy consumption; this is mainly due to such technologies as trunking (IEEE 802.1AX), adaptive link rates, etc. We design a green Internet routing scheme, where the routing can lead traffic in a […]

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An Abuse-Free Optimistic Signature Exchange Protocol Using Block Cipher

Digital Signature plays a vital role in secure business transactions and e-commerce applications. There are many existing schemes for secure exchange of digital signature over the network, but the problem arises when both the parties involved in the transaction do not trust each other. We have proposed a partial signature exchange scheme that is not only […]

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Gap influence and mode converter design for non-destructive complex permittivity measurement using circular TE01-mode open-end waveguide

This paper proposes a non-destructive complex permittivity measurement method using circular TE01mode. First, we discuss on the influence of gap by comparing conventional coaxial probe method and circular TE01 mode method that we propose. They are quantitatively compared based on the analysis with the help of EM-field simulator. It is shown that the proposed method is […]

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Micropatterning of multiple photonic colloidal crystals in single-layered microchannels for structural-color optical filter

We describe a simple and rapid micropatterning method of multiple types of photonic colloidal crystals (PCCs) on a single substrate for an optical color filter of a reflective display. We developed a “Channel-Cut Method” to introduce multiple colloidal suspensions selectively and sequentially into a microchannelnetwork. By combining this method with centrifugal crystallization, we succeeded in […]

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