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A fully analog two-way sequential GaN power amplifier with 40% fractional bandwidth

In this paper, we report a two-way sequential power amplifier (SPA) using GaN HEMTs. The proposed fully analog SPA delivers Psat of approximately 40dBm over 2-3 GHz covering 40% fractional bandwidth. The design consists of a 3dB input coupler, a main amplifier, a peak amplifier, and a 10dB output coupler for power combining. After proper designing […]

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Two-phase active power filter direct current control with capacitor voltages estimation and balance

In this paper an active power filter is presented based on a multilevel converter. The active power filter is intended to be used in domestic applications where reactive power compensation in two-phasenetworks is required. An innovative technique to balance the DC bus voltages of the power converter capacitors is proposed and also an estimation algorithm for […]

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Raman amplification: An enabling technology for high-capacity, long-haul transmission

Raman increases OSNR without much penalty to allow longer reach (skipping Regens) and/or longer spans (or skipped sites) for all fiber types and links. Modular Raman implementation allows customized designs. Higher power Raman modules may be needed for high Aeff fiber types. Raman cost should be viewed at both beginning & end of life. Raman […]

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Introduction to Social Media, Citizen Participation, and Government Minitrack

Social media and online networks have received a lot of attention in the last decade. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Linked In provide tools for individuals to come together based on a variety of factors such as existing friendships, common interests, or work. People have discovered how social media can be used to facilitate communication, […]

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2W-FD: A Failure Detector Algorithm with QoS

Failure detection plays a central role in the engineering of distributed systems. Furthermore, many applications have timing constraints and require failure detectors that provide quality of service (QoS) with some quantitative timeliness guarantees. Therefore, they need failure detectors that are fast and accurate. We introduce the Two-Windows Failure Detector (2W-FD), an algorithm able to react […]

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The Effect of Broadband Matching in Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer

This paper presents the effect of broadband matching in simultaneous information and power transfer along with an implementation. The narrowband characteristic of antennas has limited the applications of simultaneous information and power transfer. The performance improvements in terms of channel capacity and power delivery under broadband matching have been demonstrated. Electromagnetic simulation and multiobjective optimization […]

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A Stochastic Transmission Planning Model With Dependent Load and Wind Forecasts

This paper introduces a two-stage stochastic program for transmission planning. The model has two dependent random variables, namely, total electric load and available wind power. Given univariate marginal distributions for these two random variables and their correlation coefficient, the joint distribution is modeled using a Gaussian copula. The optimal power flow (OPF) problem is solved […]

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Rate Maximization Based Power Allocation and Relay Selection with IRI Consideration for Two-Path AF Relaying

We consider the power allocation and relay selection for rate maximization in a two-path amplify-and-forward (AF) relay network with inter-relay interference (IRI) consideration. We first investigate the power allocation with only a pair of relays under both the individual and global power constraints. To find the global optimum solution to this nonconvex problem, we develop a three-step […]

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An Exact Method for Computing Delay Margin for Stability of Load Frequency Control Systems With Constant Communication Delays

The extensive usage of open communication networks in power system control causes inevitable time delays. This paper studies impacts of such delays on the stability of one-area and two-area load frequency control (LFC) systems and proposes an analytical method to determine delay margins, the upper bound on the delay for stability. The proposed method first eliminates transcendental […]

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Felix: A Topology based Framework for Visual Exploration of Cosmic Filaments

The large-scale structure of the universe is comprised of virialized blob-like clusters, linear filaments, sheet-like walls and huge near empty three-dimensional voids. Characterizing the large scale universe is essential to our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies. The density range of clusters, walls and voids are relatively well separated, when compared to filaments, […]

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