Substantial Steps to Download Ns2

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        Our research professionals have highlighted the step by step process of downloading Ns2 simulation through this article. Let’s start this article with the initial step to download the Ns2 packages.

Download Ns2 for Ubuntu

       As the first process, we have to download the Ns2 packages to execute the below mentioned commands in the Ubuntu terminal.


Downloading Ns2 Packages

Unzip Ns2 Packages

         Then, we have to unzip the downloaded Ns2 packages through the execution of below mentioned commands in the Ubuntu terminal.

tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz

        Subsequently, we have to change the location of unzipped Ns2 packages using the implementation of the following commands in the Ubuntu terminal.

cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35

        Our experts ensure to provide the confidential research guidance along with the in depth research for the research scholars. In addition, we provide the entire research knowledge based on Ns2. So, ping us to aid more!!!

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